APY Checkpoint: Is Your CD Rate Earning the Best Returns Possible in January 2025?

Certificates of deposit (CDs) are a reliable way to grow your savings securely, but not all CDs are created equal. With rates across financial institutions, your CD might not be earning as much as it could. You are leaving money on the table if your current rate is not among the top 10%.  

Enter the APY Checkpoint, a gauge to tell you if a CD rate you are considering delivers the most competitive returns. Get a clear point of comparison for your current CD rate compared to the top 10% of annual percentage yields (APYs) for standard CD terms— as a benchmark for high-performing CDs. Don’t settle for less when your money could be doing more — find out if your CD is aligned with the top of the market. APY Checkpoint allows you to compare standard-term CDs, which will be updated monthly, using rate data from CD Valet’s Market Intelligence Tool.  

Are you earning the highest returns possible? 

Your Check APY light is on. Will the CD rate you found earn you the highest returns possible? Gauge how your rates compare to today’s top rates

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